Webheads' Seasons Greetings!
Webheads are welcome to write here. You can get the password by writing the list.
Meanwhile, Happy 2008!
Ghosts from Holiday Seasons past ...
We've done things like this before:
2006 and Happy New Year 2007: http://happywebhead2006-7.pbwiki.com/happywebhead2006-7
2005 and Happy New Year 2006: http://webheads.pbwiki.com/MerryHappy2005
2004 and Happy New Year 2005: http://webheads2004.buzznet.com/
If you lead your edit with "From You" in H3 format, your lead will automatically appear in the Table of Contents (you don't need to edit the ToC)
Please add your greetings anywhere here
From Vance and Bobbi

Hello everyone this Holiday Season from Vance and Bobbi (more here)
From Daf
From Janos

From Andreas
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I wanted to send some sort of holiday greeting to you all, but it is so difficult in today's world to know exactly what to say without offending someone. So I met with my solicitors yesterday, and on their advice I wish to say the following:
Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced with the most enjoyable traditions of religious persuasion or secular practices of your choice with respect for the religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all.
I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted Gregorian calendar year 2008, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make our country great and without regard to the race, creed, colour, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishees.
By accepting this greeting, you are accepting these terms: This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It is freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for her/himself or others and is void where prohibited by law, and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wisher. This wish is warranted to perform as expected within the usual application of good tidings for a period of one year or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first, and warranty is limited to replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the sole discretion of the wisher.
No trees or animals were harmed in the sending of this message.
Best wishes,
From Ibrahim
Идҳо муборак аз Тоҷикистон! Holidays Greetings from Tajikistan!
Dear Webheads,
I wish you to enjoy this festive season and all the best in 2008! May all your dreams come true!
With sincere holiday greetings,
Ibrahim ~ Tajikistan
From Aiden

You have a card to pick up: click here
May the spirit of Christmas, love, and peace be with you all this holiday season.
Aiden Yeh and family
From Mike Marzio and friends
Best wishes during this Holiday Season to all Webheads from Mike Marzio and friends.

From James in Paris
all the best holiday greetings to all the webheads all over the world from Paris France...
that 2008 brings us:
and many occasions to bring our students together
towards better intercultural understanding
thanks to new information and communication techologies
and people like the webheads willing to experiment with them!
(that was a mouthful!)

here is a picture of my "grand charme"
--so we'll all have a charming 2008!
james in paris
From Rita, in Argentina

"If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative." (Woody Allen)
May all Webheads fail every now and then during 2008 !!!!
To a most creative, innovative year to come !!!
Most warmly,
From Nina Liakos, in Maryland
Greetings to all the webheads around the world!
May this new year bring peace and a stop to global warming.

with D'ed Moroz at Hillwood Museum and Gardens, Dec. 2007
From Susan in Italy

Best wishes from Italy!!! Here is the translation of the tree....
To those who love to sleep but always awake in good humour.
To those who still greet with a kiss.
To those who have more fun if they work more.
To those who hurry in the car but never honk at the lights.
To those who arrive late but never make excuses.
To those who turn the TV off in order to talk a little.
To those who are doubly happy when it is half done.
To those who awake early to help a friend.
To those who have a child's enthusiam but a man's thought.
To those who see black only when it gets dark.
To those who don't wait for Christmas to be better.
To everyone who gives of himself.
May your progress toward the new year be good!
From Moira in France
Festive Seasonal Greetings to all and a Happy New Year
I wish you all, everywhere in the globe, seasonal greetings and all the very best of health and fun in the coming New Year!
From Nina Lyulkun in Ukraine
Dear Vance and Bobbi,
Here is the llink with all the greetings sent to you on the Birthday from all over the world. I've started Greetings from Webheads blog since the EVO_07 sessions. And all the greetings have been accumulating there.
Gosh, Nina thanks for this. I just visited and tried to leave a comment linking back to here, but it didn't appear. Meanwhile I saw Dennis's card. Everyone has been so great with those greetings, I really appreciate it, Vance
Dear Webheads,

With New Year coming let us extend the warmest greetings from everyone
and wish you a calm and festive time during the holidays.
Let us hope that the New Year will bring pleasant memories and experiences.
Kindest Regards,
From María Irene Valencia, Venezuela
Dear Webheads,
I wish you all a 2008 full of Love, health and success; and that the combination of these elements brings Peace on Earth, no matter race or creed.
The link below leads to a presentation with a very typical Christmas song, the group is called Serenata Guayanesa, they are well known in Europe and the USA where tickets for their concerts were sold out.
Kind regards,
María Irene
Valencia, Venezuela
Dear Marif Irene, thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful Christmas song.
It sounds different from our Christmas song in Ukraine. My grandson and myself feel amazed immensely listening to it.
Nina from Ukraine
From Silvia in Argentina

May God bless you all!! because you have shown to be generous and kind-hearted people. I've learnt a lot!! Thanks a lot!! Silvia Poupeau
PS: Today is my birthday and I feel the need to thank everyone who help me grow |

Dear Silvia, Happy Birthday and Happy New Year! May all your dreams come true, and may your beloved stay happy with you.
Nina Lyulkun
From Gwen Cary and family
The Merriest of Christmases and a VERY Happy New Year ! ! !
son, Lawrence
Success, health, happiness and amazing blessings to you all for 2008
Wishes from Gwen, Lawrence, Anthony and Ronoel
From Felix in Brazil

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