

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 1 month ago

Webheads' Seasons Greetings!


Ghosts from Christmases past ...

We've done things like this before:

2005-6: http://webheads.pbwiki.com/MerryHappy2005

2004-5: http://webheads2004.buzznet.com/

Congratulations Worldbridges http://worldbridges.net">http://worldbridges.net on a successful year-end Webcastathon - can't wait to hear the podcasts! and happy new year one and all - happiness can only happen in PEACE, so this is a wish for peace for you this year and all to come - Vance

Webheads have begun posting their greetings messages at http://www.chinswing.com/


All you have to do is, ... let's see, visit the site, sign up, download the client, download Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0, the missing part of the Vista operating system from Microsoft in case you're still running XP, continue downloading the client, restart, log in again, hit the record button, and then LOCATE the record window (very important, mine was behind all my other windows ... once you know where to look, no problem, but meanwhile, nothing seems to happen ... ) and, then, record your message. Once you're to that point, it's simple.




The direct URL for posting your greeting is this one:


More Webheads Chinswing discussions can be found here:


or at the mirror here: http://www.prof2000.pt/users/vstevens/audio.htm#podcasting



Happy New Year, from DafEnjoy!!! My New Year's puzzle

I could not post the whole puzzle here but I was able to post it to one of my wikis (I guess the problem is pbwiki new text-rich editor interface :-(


Wishing you all Merry Christmas, Eid Mubarak, and a Happy New Year!


I'm using WiFi connection from the lobby in my hotel here in Beirut, Lebanon ...


I arrived here in Beirut a few days ago to spend the holidays with friends ... I took some shots of how Xmas and Eid Al-Adha are / were celebrated here in Lebanon and will try to take more shots later tonight of the New Year celebration here in Downtown, Beirut.


Best regards from Lebanon!




It must be THAT time of year again!

Judging from all the elfamorphoses ...

It was Aiden!! She started it by posting on the EVonline2002 Webheads List, Sat Dec 16, 2006


Hey Webheads, I just made a total elf of myself. Check me out by clicking the link below.


Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all!


Aiden (in Taiwan)

Followed by ....


Bee = Barbara Dieu: http://www.elfyourself.com/userid=fbccc8c1f0af5a6759d0ef7G06122108

Christine Lombaerts (Belgium) : http://www.elfyourself.com/?userid=019ad8404245a422e231720G06121606

Cristina Costa (Portugal): http://www.elfyourself.com/?userid=6e62390175233f3db99a5e6G06121604

Dennis Newson (Germany): http://www.elfyourself.com/?userid=40e508bd70e1fda38b93a02G06121700

Elizabeth Hanson-Smith and her husband Jack are in Adelaide this Christmas visiting Michael Coghlan:

http://www.flickr.com/photos/89165847@N00/sets/72157594435458858/ - More information at http://www.homestead.com/prosites-vstevens/files/efi/chat2006/chat2006.htm#061224

Jane Petring (Canada): http://www.elfyourself.com/?userid=70acc176c656fd0dae3a99bG06121618


John Hibbs (USA): http://www.elfyourself.com/?userid=c6714f5a3aff97cd2bdcf05G06121604

Hala Fawzi(Sudan) : http://www.elfyourself.com/?userid=e0f13b2d36574a86ba64ef3G06122400

Michael Coghlan: http://www.elfyourself.com/?userid=690f7b91abb24ef04bcedbaG06121604

Rita Zeinstejer (Argentina): http://www.elfyourself.com/?userid=ef685d1fa5b62b27ac8fd90G06121610

Rita also recommends we watch Jerome Murat's video and enjoy, dear Webheads! A virtual/real

show...? http://www.dailymotion.com/visited/search/jerome%20murat/video/xf9oo_je

Teresa Almeida d'Eca (Portugal): http://www.elfyourself.com/?userid=0b4602365261a0d48a359f2G06121610

Here's to a 2007 full of success, peace, health and happiness, and a

memorable Webheads get-together in Seattle!


Warm hugs, Teresa

Vance Stevens (UAE): http://www.elfyourself.com/?userid=772bf85224ad8d5cc4c724bG06121610


Vance created a blog on the occasion of Webheads seasonal matters: http://advanceducation.blogspot.com/

There is a picture there of Vance and his family on Christmas day: http://www.prof2000.pt/users/vstevens/homepage.htm#061225

Nina Liakos (USA): http://www.elfyourself.com/?userid=3afafc697abe5b2911ab5d2G06121918


Moira Hunter (France): http://www.elfyourself.com/?userid=4f42b660e3019793f5871c6G06122306

Merry, Merry Christmas!!! I've just made some wonderful mulled wine...

would you like some Christmas cheer?


Moira :-))))))))

who also sent us this advent calendar: http://www.rsc-yh.ac.uk/advent/



and more ...

Teresa wins the prize for this belated tip off list. She's been using this "embed" solution that gave me the key to making my files NOT play automatically (autostart set to false) :-) What a nice New Year's surprise, as in this example:

Everybody likes to take a holiday

See how it looks here and while you're at it, listen to my students' (not all) singing!


Hugs, Teresa

Cristina Costa in Portugal asked her students to create Christmas Photostories.

Here is the result. http://module4pm.blogspot.com/2006/12/merry-christmas-to-you-all.html#comments

Enjoy it! ;)


Dear all,

Happy holidays for all:



Daf from Venezuela

PS:don't miss the puzzle :-)


Daf sent me a picture of the nativity scene at her house and said I could post it

At midnight on Christmas eve, they put a little baby in the manger.


Listen to some venezuelan Christmas carols, that we call "aguinaldos":



Dear All,

Wishing You all the joy of a very merry Christmas and good luck in the New Year. May Peace, Hope and Love be with You Today, Tomorrow and Always!


Jarek Krajka, in Poland

Editor-in-Chief, Teaching English with Technology


Lawan writes: I am wishing all webheaders happy Edil-kabir and new year in advance

Lee Baber writes: Happy New Year everyone! Thank you for everything you do and have done for me and all the educators around the globe!



Hi, this is Luisa Ribeiro Rosa. I just sent you an electronic greeting card! To view it, copy and paste the following link into your web browser's address bar:



Merry Christmas everybody!

A friend has just shared this with me and I would like to share it with you!

Take your time to read it and make sure to move your mouse over the pages: the 'turn page' function is the grey arrow in the bottom right corner.



Moira (in France)


From Randa Effat, Egypt: thank Little Elf for bringing a smile on my face. Wish you all a Merry Xmas. Cheers Randa Effat

Later she writes: "Christmas Mubarak and Merry Eid ... (and that was intentional, not a typo)

A happy new year too"


Here in UAE Dec 29 is the start of a 4-day holiday in celebration of the annual Muslim pilgrimage - Vance

From Hala Fawzi,sudan; Merry Christams and Happy New Year to all webheads around the world!




Salem Mudallel sends this greeting from Libya: http://www.123greetings.com/view/DN11225141920588


Hi guys

Aiden, Michael, Vance!

You're fantastic! You really made my day this morning.

I never knew you could dance so well. I should put a note to Santa, just in case he's looking for some new helpers.


(and later ...)


I kept meaning to post my X'mas wishes but only now

getting round to doing it.

Now .. when everyone is probably shopping and preapring for

X'mas, ... and I'm still in front of my computer ... : (

Enjoy the season and may 2007 be a healthy and peaceful one.

And bring exciting thngs to all Webheads!

(and still later ... ;-)

I didn't get a chance to send my X'mas wishes earlier.

So, if anyone is still reading emails ... : )

Have a great time over the holidays and may the new

year be a healthy and peaceful one.


Lots and lots of smiles

Sophie in Cyprus


Susan Marandi sent us this from Iran: Click on the following link.



From Teresa in Portugal: Hi, everyone! Please click below for my season's greetings to you all and your families! - Hugs all, Teresa

From Venny in Taiwan: Season's greetings and warmest wishes for a bright and happy New Year! Thanks for your sharing, encouraging and help. Here is our greetings from Taiwan. Let's sing together. Take a look at the blog (http://christmaskaraoke.blogspot.com/)


You can hear Venny wish you a merry Christmas and happy new year here:




Happy holidays to you and

Feliz Natal




and from Carla in Brazil:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

to all beloved Webheads!!



all the best from Susan B. in Italy.......




We've seen the passing of another year.

For many it's been filled with pain and tears.

We've seen our loved ones in their decline.

We've had to accept that they won't be fine.



Some of us had to say good bye,

To a long time loved one, and we've all cried.

But there have been times in this past year,

That certain events have brought us cheer.


There are so many friends that are on the list,

And I know there's names I will have missed.

But better friends I could not have bought.

And here is just a New Year's thought.


If it were possible that a wish could come true,

Then this is my New Year's wish for you.

May the coming year be full of hope,

And may we be given the strength to cope.



Let courage, faith and patience abound.

And let us pray that a cure will be found.

And now at the close of another year,

My friends, I wish you a Happy New Year.

Best Wishes

Mohamed Hisham El-Mehallawy

I wish you Health...

So you may enjoy each day in comfort.

I wish you the Love of friends and family...

And Peace within your heart.

I wish you the Beauty of nature...

That you may enjoy the work of God.

I wish you Wisdom to choose priorities.. .

For those things that really matter in life.

I wish you Generousity so you may share...

All good things that come to you.

I wish you Happiness and Joy...

And Blessings for the New Year.

I wish you the best of everything.. .

That you so well deserve.


Mohamed Hisham El-Mehallawy

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